North Shore Disc Golf
Home Scores |
Tournament Scores
Open 9: Jimmy -8 Jamie -8 Jeff -8 |
Open Women 3: KT Laura H Laura C INT Women 2 |
ADV 6: Epi -8 John P -7 Guy 54 INT 4 |
Adv Masters 12 Ricky W -3 James M -2 Ric J -1 John H |
42 Players on Feb. 3rd
No Ace was hit so there is a pot of $350 and $102 in the back up pot.
Open 20 Jamie C 46 Mark S 49 Jeff H 51 Pete L 51 Jerry P 52 Josh 52 |
ADV 4 Robbie 51 Stevo 55 |
INT 9 Steve E 56 Chris G 57 Traye 58 Paul W 62 |
Adv Masters 9 JAB 52 Brad G 56 Sticks 56 Rodney 59 |
36 Players on January 1st 2006
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